Thursday, August 28, 2008

The National Zoo Field Trip

Yesterday, my friend and I took our girls out for their first Field Trip: The National Zoo.

We rode the Metro up to D.C. and the girls loved it.

They got to see the elephants hanging out in the "elephant barn." Fortunately, the elephants are getting a new pad soon--all lush and outdoorsy.

After watching the beavers for a while (had no idea they were so huge), the girls made some attempts at rock climbing. Elizabeth seemed to pull some glee and power straight from the rock, which was alarming. Gave me the shivers just thinking about her future self, climbing up the mesas in Arizona without so much as a rope.

Finally, on the way back to the Metro, they both passed out and missed the entire train ride. (Thank goodness for that--I needed to rest!)

While the girls were dozing, we decided to snap some pics of ourselves. Here's my panda date:

P.S. My frankincense arrived today!

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

Handsome date, Amber! I miss being able to take a train to the zoo!

How is the frankincense?!