Monday, April 9, 2007

Thank Goodness for Critique Groups

... or I'd not have written anything this past week. It was my turn to submit, so I had to sit down and go over a chapter, polish it up as best I could, and face the storyline. I was very tired last night before I did that because my husband has pneumonia, my in-laws were here, Elizabeth has been waking up in the middle of the night wanting to play for two hours, and I've been losing my sanity. Oh wait, that last one is good - it brings my imagination into the real world. Anyhow, I'm glad for my Critique Group because they keep the fingers typing even when I'm tired. :-)

On a side note, Laini and my friend Claire inspired me to learn how to knit. My mother-in-law knows how, so she taught me. I'm glad she did because I tried learning from video clips I found on the web and it was a disaster. Claire knitted Elizabeth a dolly, and we can't wait to see it! I, on the other hand, am still trying to figure it all out. I'm a lefty, so I was a small challenge to my mother-in-law. Knitting is WAY more complicated than crocheting, by the way...

Well, Elizabeth is not happy that I am not giving her 100% of my attention, so I better go! The Queen is calling!

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