Tuesday, October 14, 2008


No, not NaNoWriMo. No, not Amnesiatic Novel Writing Month (unless the computer died and all was erased)...but Amber's Novel Writing Month. Yup. I'm going to do it. Just not in November. Seriously, that would be insane, unfair, and painful. I'll be laboring (no joke) in November, and that'll be insane, unfair, and painful enough for the whole year.

I haven't picked a month yet, but I'm guessing I might be able to do it in March. Or February. Wait, that month is too short. Yeah, March. Thirty-one whole days. The budding of Spring. A 2 1/2-year-old and a four-month-old. One crazy mama.

So I can't join the uber-cool NaNoWriMo crowd and use all of their nifty procrastination helpers and tack on writing friends like gnats to a lollypop, but I can challenge YOU to do it with me. That is, if you're brave enough. If you're not depleted by doing the actual, tried-and-true NaNoWriMo.

Who is game? You don't have to state yourselves now...I'll give you another chance in January when I post this again.

Of course, we'd have to change the name of the game if there's more than just me doing it.


Jacqui said...

If I join you, can we call it JamNoWriMo?

Amber Lough said...

That sounds RAD. We'd have to pick a funky soundtrack for the whole month, though.

Unknown said...

Finally, someone else who thinks NOVEMBER is a horrible month to write a novel! Besides laboring and giving birth, which I happen to like AND did in November of 2003 :), there's Thanksgiving and all the prep work for the holiday season...March sounds way better to me! Plus I should be done with my novel that I'm working on now. I'm hoping to be done by years end and then do revisions...WHEN exactly I'm going to find time to write is beyond me, BUT that is the plan ;)

So, count me in! Hope your birth goes great.

Lia Mack