My reading report is that Megan Whalen Turner's book, The Thief, is really very good, and my book has a long way to go.
I finished up draft two on Tuesday and printed it out last night. I'm doing something different with this reading, however; I'm using a purple pen! (It's a little happier than red, at the moment.) It's amazing how you can write something yourself, read over it half a dozen times, and then on the Xth time, you suddenly realize that it's all wrong. Or that it's cheesy. Or cliche. Or just bland. That's what I keep finding, and although it's disappointing not to discover any brilliance in my novel, it's nice to know that I'm still as determined now to keep going as I was on day one. More so, in fact.
On the bright side, Elizabeth can say "snow" now. It sounds a bit like "!" but she's got the right idea.
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