Lips Touch, by Laini Taylor and illustrated by Jim Di Bartolo; Silksinger, also by Laini Taylor and illustrated by Jim Di Bartolo; and Operation: YES, by Sara Lewis Holmes.
I have been eagerly awaiting for these books. Laini and Sara are my friends, so of course I wanted to support them, but I really just wanted the books because I know they are going to be awesome reads! I got a chance to read Silksinger in an earlier rendition and add comments to it (Laini surprised me by sending it to me---I have no idea if my comments were helpful or not, but I hope so). I can't wait to see what is the same and what has changed! Sara's book is going to be thoughtful and funny, and guess what? She agreed to do an interview on this very humble blog! (So I have to read it, like, NOW.)
Yay for getting friends' books in the mail!
I was in such a good mood that even though I only got three hours of sleep last night due to sleepless children, and had an early morning appointment that required me to bring both kids along and get their blood tested, resulting in much dramatic wailing, I finished a sewing project! (How's that for a caffeinated sentence?) I took a look at my beautiful new machine,
And thought, I should get out that ridiculously adorable flannel and make some baby washcloths!
Since we use cloth diapers, we also use cloth wipes, and these will come in handy. Plus, they're super cute and I made them.
Now, I should go take a nap while the baby is napping, but I've had too much coffee. I will most likely collapse in the midst of the bedtime routine, likely folded over a picture book or two. Elizabeth will have to prod me out of her bed and tuck herself in, all alone. Poor child. Guess she shouldn't have woken me up at 4 a.m.
Thanks for your support and for spreading the word about Laini's books! :) Much appreciated Amber.
(*word verification is: "unmimi" which is weird because one of my sisters is named "Mimi" *)
My turn now! Wow...a writer and you sew. I wish I could sew. My daughter wants to learn how but I can't even show her how to sew on a button properly. Sad. :)
You go, girl! And you posted a blog too! I wish I could sew. I seriously cannot sew a button and take it to the dry cleaners for that. I know.
I've heard about Sara's fabulous book, but did not realize Laini had some out too! Congrats to them!
Jim ~ They're your books too, in a way! :-) Not only did you make the pretty pictures, but you were there with her through it all. I am melting over the pictures in Lips Touch.
Jolie and Kelly ~ You know, you could always take a sewing lesson at Joann's. I'm taking one in mid-October.
Oh, and Jolie---will you be at the retreat? Will I get to meet you in person? And if you are there, are you going to be running a Bodystep class for the writers and editors? ;-)
I am with you on the whole being awoken by toddler at crazy early hours of the morning, but you definitely have me beaten with 4 am.
Well yes, I certainly did play a small-to-medium part in those books (moreso LIPS TOUCH), and thank you for the sweet words about the interiors in LT, they were a LOT of fun to create and I'm glad you're enjoying them! I hope they add to the world of the stories -- especially once you've finished reading and can go back to reflect on what the art was conveying with a greater understanding.
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