It's just minutes from the ALA announcement of the Newbery and other awards. I'm so excited!
Again, my title is in another language. It seems only to happen when I use my hubby's computer. Hmmm. I shall investigate this further.
This week marks my official jumping-back-into-writing time. Henry takes a bottle just fine, so if I need to, I can drop both him and Elizabeth off at the temp. daycare for a few hours and get some writing done. I can't drop him off for longer than that, though, because I haven't been able to get enough milk made to last more than one feeding at a time and I just can't give him formula. (My guilt would skyrocket. Taking him to daycare would give me more than enough guilt to digest in one sitting.) At the very least, I can take Elizabeth to "school," as she calls it, for half of a day and pray that Henry will take a long nap.
As you can see, I haven't quite figured out the writing-with-two-kids factor to being a writing mom. But it will happen. It has to, or I never will have a career in writing.
Ok...Elizabeth is currently putting a DVD in the player by herself so I should stop blogging and start watching my children.
if anyone can get the hang of writing with two bubs YOU CAN! and go neil! =D
Cindy -- thanks for your confidence in me!
Val -- what? I'm a little confused.
Probably I was misunderstood.
Sorry for my bad English :(
I used to write at night, leaning over the baby while breastfeeding. Not pretty but doable.
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