Friday, April 30, 2010


I have not been blogging because I've been busy...

...and I intend to finish this WIP by the end of May.

Probably won't report back in until the first draft is complete. Sorry to be so uninteresting this month!


Jessica Lindsay said...

Hello! I've been looking forward to your return to the blogging world. :) I wanted to thank you so much for visiting my blog in February. I was moved and blessed by the sympathy you shared for our struggles with unemployment. It's gentle touches like yours that help folks get through the hard times, right?

On a lighter note, I'm right with you on writing through this spring. Laini's mini-nano--and the amazing women who joined her--really spurred me to finish my zero draft. Best of luck to you as you finish yours!!

Andrea Eames said...

Good luck! :)

Thanks so much for introducing me to Theresa - she was lovely.

A xx

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Finishing your novel takes first place over blogging. I wish you good writing and happy musing, Roland