After an hour or so of flying, she finally nodded off. We were on a C-17 cargo plane, sitting on canvas jump-seats. In a way, it was nicer than flying commercial b/c no one minded her crying--they couldn't hear it over the plane itself!
It got very cold, so we tucked her in and then laid several blankets on the metal floor so that we could take a nap.
Jim woke me up by putting Elizabeth on my lap. I was soooo tired! (And shivering.)
We arrived in Germany on Sunday morning, and Elizabeth promptly found a clover patch of flowers.
We tried to go off base and "see Germany," but we happened to be in the country, and there wasn't anything near the base at all, except cows and corn. We did walk off, but there weren't any sidewalks and the stroller was in the path of too many fast cars, so we reluctantly turned back and had to eat at the German restaurant on base. (I think we were the only non-Germans in there b/c we got stared at quite a bit.) Jim got a good beer, which I tasted. Yum!
Monday afternoon we caught the flight to Mildenhall, England. It was only an hour, and Elizabeth slept the whole way. My friend picked us up and on the way to her house I tried to shake off the jet-lag and open my eyes wide to the passing scenery, which was hard since it passed by so quickly. After getting acquainted with her cat, we settled down and prepared for our real trip, England.
I'll post those pictures tomorrow. Which, by the way, is also the day we find out what the baby's gender is.